Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)

Conservation horizons. The three ages of archive and the role of conservation systems

Francesca Delneri
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali (MIBAC)

Published 2019-01-15


  • Conservazione digitale,
  • Età dell'archivio,
  • Records continuum,
  • Documento digitale,
  • Codice dell’amministrazione digitale

How to Cite

Delneri, Francesca. 2019. “Conservation Horizons. The Three Ages of Archive and the Role of Conservation Systems”. JLIS.It 10 (1):12-25. https://doi.org/10.4403/jlis.it-12433.


Currently, in Italy digital preservation is regulated by the Digital Administration Code and the Technical Rules on conservation system. By analyzing the existing legislation and the recommendations reported in the three-year plan of the Agency for Digital Italy, the purposes of the current preservation model are investigated, in particular with respect to the traditional model of the three ages of archives. A proposal for the access management is also given, as provided for in the art. 40-ter of CAD. Finally, the advisability of reconsidering the third age of archives in digital preservation is discussed, along with the new role that traditional Archives should play in this context.


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