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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Articles received by 31 July will be published not before the first issue (January) of the following year; articles received by 31 December will be published not before the second issue (May) of the following year; articles received by 30 April will be published not before the third issue of the same year (September).
  • Papers proposed for article section must be 20.000 to 40.000 characters (including whitespaces) long, annotations included and bibliographic references excluded.
  • Paper is uploaded in Word or RTF format using the journal article template (please see the Author Guidelines to dowload the template)
  • The manuscript is anonymous: name, affiliation and email address of each author are put in the metadata and not in the text or the file properties
  • Tables, images, etc. are put in the text with proper captions
  • Quotations from other texts are put in the paper between double quotation marks "..."
  • is adopting for the references The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. in the Author-date format.

    References are put in the manuscript. In the text, reference is between brackets in the form (Family name Publishing year, number of page), e.g. (Pollan 2006, 3)

    Reference list will appear at the end of the article in the long form. Read below for more details

    Please remember to include in the reference list only the works cited in the text, in alphabetical order by author family name or by title, in case authors are missing. Please see the Author Guidelines for further details.
  • The authors allow editorial modification of both text and metadata. At the end of editorial workflow authors will check the proofs and can discuss any modifications
  • Authors are aware of this journal's Privacy and Consent policy.
  • Paper submission may be rejected if not compliant with the above-mentioned guidelines.

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Manuscripts have to be submitted through the journal website at

If you experience any difficulties or have any questions about submitting your manuscript, please contact the journal staff

Authors must examine and accept without any reserves Statement on publication ethics and publication malpractices. publishes original contributions only, not previously published or submitted to other journals.

Each paper must have a 100-200 words abstract and 4-6 keywords, in order to facilitate indexing.

Paper is uploaded in Word or RTF format using the journal article template.

During the submission, authors must check if their paper complies to the requirements mentioned in Submission Preparation Checklist.

In particular, is adopting for the references The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. in the Author-date format.

Text citations and references are put in the manuscript. reccomends its authors to use a reference manager software (e.g. Zotero and the like) connecting it to a Word processor. In this case, the file in .bib or .ris format containing the bibliographic references used in the article should be uploaded during submission.

A video tutorial on Zotero prepared especially for authors can be found at: Furthermore, a Zotero quick start guide in many languages can be found at:

In text citations

In the text, the source is cited usually in parentheses, by the author's family name, publishing year, and the number of page or pages, if necessary, e.g.:

(Pollan 2006, 3)

(Carucci 1978, 56–57)

(Carucci 2014, 124, 132)

(Palumbo 2016, par. 5.1)

(Guerrini and Genetasio 2012, 12)

(Müller, Feith, and Fruin 1908, 16)

For four or more authors:

(Bennett et al. 2007, 3)

No author:

(Memorie di una cantante 1992)

(Fieramosca 1908)

Organizations as author. An abbreviated form is preferred in in-text citation. The full form is added in brackets in the reference list

(IFLA 2017)

(ALA RUSA 2008)

For a book with an editor in place of an author, the in-text citation provide the editor's family name. Only the final reference includes 'ed.' (or 'eds.' if the case)

(Guerrini 2011, 67)

Refer to two or more sources in the same text citation as follows:

(Bennett et al. 2007, 3; Guerrini 2011, 67)

Refer to two or more sources by the same author as follows:

(Carucci 1978, 56–57; 2014, 5)

Refer to the first and a later edition of the same text as follows:

(Carucci 1978, 56–57; or 1985, 410–11)

and give full reference to both the editions in the reference list (see below).

In Italian texts, use 'e' instead of 'and' in in-text citations. For example:

(Guerrini e Genetasio 2012, 12)

(Müller, Feith, e Fruin 1908, 16)

(Carucci 1978, 56-57; oppure 1985, 410-411)

Reference lists

The Reference list will appear at the end of the article in the long form.

Please remember to include in the reference list only the works cited in the text, in alphabetical order by author's family name (or by title in case authors are missing, and date. For example:

    • Book, one author: Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
    • Book, two authors: Guerrini, Mauro, and Giuliano Genetasio. 2012. I principi internazionali di catalogazione (ICP). Universo bibliografico e teoria catalografica all’inizio del 21. secolo. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica.
    • Book, with editor and no author: Guerrini, Mauro, ed. 2011. Leggere Ranganathan. Roma: Associazione italiana biblioteche.
    • Book. No author. Memorie di una cantante tedesca. 1992. Milano: ES.
    • Book with author and editor: Serrai, Alfredo. 1994. Biblioteche e Bibliografia: Vademecum Disciplinare e Professionale. Edited by Marco Menato. Roma: Bulzoni
    • Book with author, author of introduction and translator: Panofsky, Erwin. 1999. Studi di iconologia: i temi umanistici nell'arte del Rinascimento. Introduzione di Giovanni Previtali, traduzione di Renato Pedio. Torino: Einaudi.
    • Book with three authors and two editors: Müller, Samuel, Johann Feith, and Robert Fruin. 1908. Ordinamento e Inventario Degli Archivi. Edited by Giuseppe Bonelli and Giovanni Vittani. Torino: UTET
    • Books with more than three authors; Cite all the authors: Robbins, Susan P., Sondra J. Fogel, Noël Busch-Armendariz, Karin Wachter, Hugh McLaughlin, and Elizabeth C. Pomeroy. 2015. «From the editor - Writing a good peer review to improve scholarship: What editors value and authors find helpful». Journal of Social Work Education, 2015.
    • Thesis: Tess, Rossella. «Le edizioni veneziane del secolo XVI nella "saletta libri proibiti" della Biblioteca arcivescovile di Udine». Dissertation, Università di Udine, 1989.
    • Chapter or other part of a book: Kelly, John D. 2010. “Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War.” In Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, edited by John D. Kelly, Beatrice Jauregui, Sean T. Mitchell, and Jeremy Walton, 67–83. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    • Smiraglia, Richard P. 1994. “Derivative bibliographic relationships: linkages in the bibliographic universe.” In Navigating the networks: proceedings of the ASIS mid-year meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 21-25, edited by Deborah Lines Andersen, Thomas J. Galvin, and Mark D. Giguere, 167-183. Medford, New Jersey: American Society of Information Science.
    • Article in a print journal: Weinstein, Joshua I. 2009. “The Market in Plato’s Republic.” Classical Philology 104: 439–58.
    • Article in newspaper. No author. Fieramosca. Giornale del popolo. 1908. "Conferenze e conferenzieri, Lyceum italiano Circolo femminile."  March 31, 1908.
    • Article in an online journal: Kossinets, Gueorgi, and Duncan J. Watts. 2009. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network.” American Journal of Sociology 115: 405–50.
      Sardo, Lucia. 2016. «Là ci darem la mano… Wikipedia e le biblioteche.» AIB studi 56 (3): 435–40.
      Please use DOI. If DOI is not available please put an URL.
      Access date is required only if publication or revision date is unavailable.
    • Sources by an organization:
      In-text citation (IFLA 2017); reference list: IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions). 2017. IFLA Library Reference Model. A Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Information. Edited by Pat Riva, Patrick Le Boeuf, and Maja Zumer. Den Haag: IFLA.
      In-text citation (IFLA ISBD RG 2018); reference list: IFLA ISBD RG (IFLA ISBD Review Group). 2018. ‘Proposed Work Plan for ISBD Revision 2018-2022’. IFLA.
    • Reference works in physical form (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc.) with author: Sandri, Leopoldo. 1958. «Archivi di Stato». In Enciclopedia del diritto, II:1002. Milano: Giuffrè.
    • Reference works in physical form (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc.) without author are usually cited in notes, rather than in the reference list: Enciclopedia della letteratura, 4th. ed. (2007), s.v. "Buzzati Dino".
    • Reference sources online (usually cited only in notes): Encyclopaedia Britannica online, s.v. "S. R. Ranganathan", Accessed February 7, 2022,
    • Wikipedia, s.v. "Stevie Nicks,'' last modified December 22, 2021, 04:19,
    • Web pages are usually referred to by the name of the author (that can be an organization, and even the publisher in necessary), the date of publication or revision, the title and the URL. The name of the organization may be abbreviated both in the in text citation and in the reference list.
    • Web pages with publication or revision date: In-text citation: (Hage 2022); reference list: Hage, Joe. 2022. Gerhard Richter. ; In-text citation (ALA RUSA 2008); reference list: ALA RUSA (American Library Association. Reference and User Services Association). 2008. Guidelines for the Preparation of a Bibliography.
    • Web pages without publication or revision date: In text citation (MiC, n.d.); reference list: MiC (Ministero della Cultura). n.d. Museo nazionale di arte digitale. Accessed February 7, 2022. ;
    • Original and later editions of the same text are referred to by two different references: Carucci, Paola. 1978. “Versamenti e ordinamento degli archivi degli organi centrali dello Stato.” Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato, XXXVIII (1-3): 52-76.
      Carucci, Paola. 1985. Antologia di scritti archivistici.  Edited by Romualdo Giuffrida. 409-436. Roma, Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali: 409-436.

In Italian texts, references require 'e' instead of 'and', 'cur.'/'a c. di'/'A cura di' instead of 'ed.'/'eds.', 'Ultimo accesso' instead of 'Accessed', 'Tesi di laurea' instead of 'Dissertation' etc.; For example:

    • Guerrini, Mauro, a c. di. 2011. Leggere Ranganathan. Roma: Associazione italiana biblioteche.
    • Romagnoli, Angela, Daniele Sabaino, Rodobaldo Tibaldi, e Pietro Zappalà, a c. di. 2018. Cara scientia mia, musica: studi per Maria Caraci Vela. 2 voll. Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
    • Serrai, Alfredo. 1994. Biblioteche e bibliografia: vademecum disciplinare e professionale. A cura di Marco Menato. Roma: Bulzoni.
    • Kossinets, Gueorgi, e Duncan J. Watts. 2009. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network.” American Journal of Sociology 115: 405–50.
    • Wikipedia, s.v. "Stevie Nicks," ultima modifica 22 dicembre 2021, 04:19,

Articles and submissions processing charges (APC) does not ask for articles processing (APC) or submissions charges.


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