Published 2023-05-15
- Cartographic Resources;,
- Terrestrial Geocoordinates;,
- Georeferencing;,
- German Libraries;,
- Metadata.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Klaus Kempf
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In recent years the demand for geoinformation and the use of GIS (Geographic Information System) applications by different subject areas has increased enormously. Libraries are attempting to respond to these needs through the provision of adequately developed spatio-temporal information, the digitisation of historical cartographic and geographic collections, and the enrichment of the metadata associated with digital resources with geodata that allow for proper georeferencing. After defining some key concepts related to the assignment of terrestrial geocoordinates in contemporary times, the article illustrates the potential of their use in the bibliographical domain with particular emphasis on their use by German-speaking libraries.
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