Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): The Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem

Integrated Search System: evolving the authority files

Elena Ravelli
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico - ICCU
Maria Cristina Mataloni
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico - ICCU

Published 2022-01-13


  • SRI,
  • SBN,
  • EDIT16,
  • MOL,
  • Alphabetica

How to Cite

Ravelli, Elena, and Maria Cristina Mataloni. 2022. “Integrated Search System: Evolving the Authority Files”. JLIS.It 13 (1):335-46. https://doi.org/10.4403/jlis.it-12716.


The coexistence of separate authority files within the main databases managed by the ICCU for entities of the same kind is going to be superseded in the new SRI portal through the integration, at the level of cooperative application, of the authority files for EDIT16 and Manus OnLine with those of SBN. The clustering of authority files, made possible through batch procedures and services provided by the applicative protocol SBNMARC, is intended to the development of browsable links between different representations of the same entity. The presence of identifiers and link keys between informative objects is therefore crucial to match data from the specialised databases EDIT16 and Manus OnLine, stored in the digital aggregator Internet Culturale, and shared through the collective catalogue SBN, with diverse quality and model but referred to the same resources and entities. The cluster of entities will be built upon the SBN Index, according to the quantity of data already available in its authority file and to exploit existing services and infrastructures which make shared cataloguing possible. SBN will also provide the spine of the integrated representation of entities through the public access platform of the new portal.


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